An experiment to build a world map visualizing coffee taste profiles from different region in the world. The map was built using React, SVG and some help of D3.js and Python.
This article explains how to build a web application using React, GraphQL and .NET Core WebAPI. I will address some of the main problems that I faced along the way. Working code repo on GitHub
Kicking off my exciting React Component Library project, Codefee-Kit. A simple UI kit for building React projects. Mainly to deep dive into design systems and web frontend core technologies
This article discusses when to use Class and Interface for model in TypeScript (TS). It also suggests a model organisation pattern called Request-Response pattern.
This article explains some pointers on how to achieve proper Tree Shake for a React Component Library bundled with Rollup. In fact, it is applicable to any other libraries in Node. The secret lies in sideEffects...